Here is where I explain the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.
Here is where I follow said rules:
"The lackeys that entered the office were five or six in number and the men in the shop were helpless onlookers while the scuffle went on, as their slightest move was met with a gun pressed to their ribs, no one being able to raise a hand, contrary to what the papers say. Ricardo and Enrique were literally dragged to a waiting auto, a block away, Enrique bleeding profusely from head to foot. The comrades were called yesterday for preliminary hearing, but not being yet represented by a lawyer, they refused to plead."
from A Letter from Maria Magon to Alexander Berkman
Life of an Anarchist: The Alexander Berkman Reader
And my tagged five:
Melly's Blog Mellissa keeps it real.
thank you campaign, Andrea has assured me that the posting hiatus will soon end. Judd also contributes.
ACB, So we all know that she's fantastic. You should read her blog.
Ted, Concert reports and posts on new pieces and various projects. Also, a fantastic picture of JC (no, not that JC) Check it.
The Motion Sick, Boston indie rockers, ex-band mates, d-list celebrity stalkers, occasional advice columns.
*So, apparently I don't read ACB's blog enough to know that she has been now hit thrice with this thing. Shame on me. So in this light I offer her an out, should she want it, and off as a fine replacement, Judd.
Thanks, but no thanks.
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